An orthopantomagram (OPG) is an upper and lower jaw panoramic scanning dental X-ray. Orthopantomagraph or Panorex are two more names for it that are sometimes used as trade names. It displays a two-dimensional, flattened perspective of a half-circle that extends from ear to ear. The maxilla (upper jaw) and mandible (lower jaw) can be seen in the viewing region of panoramic x-rays, which enable pictures of many angles to be captured to build up the composite panoramic image. The buildings that are not in the field of view are hazy. Most likely, your dentist will take an OPG at some point during your dental care. An OPG also shows the number, location, and development of all teeth, including those that have not yet broken the gum surface or emerged through it. It differs from the tiny, close-up x-rays of each individual tooth that dentists take. It has a significantly wider field of view but less fine detail. This can be especially helpful to examine places that are difficult to view, such wisdom teeth, or the growth of a child's jaw and teeth. Additionally, especially if you grind your teeth, it is frequently used to assess the TMJ (temperomandibular joint), also known as the CMA (cranio-mandibular articulation).

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